Saturday 16 July 2011



Alcohol and drug abuse has emerged as a serious concern in India. The geographical location of the country further makes it highly vulnerable to the problem of drug abuse.
In a national survey conducted in 2001-2002, it was estimated that about 73.2 million persons were user of alcohol and drugs. Of these 8.7, 2.0 and 62.5 million were users of Cannabis, Opium and Alcohol respectively. About 26%, 22% and 17% of the users of the three types respectively were found to be dependent on/addicted to them.
Article 47 of the Constitution provides that "The State shall regard the raising of the level of nutrition and the standard of living of its people and the improvement of public health as among its primary duties and, in particular, the State shall endeavour to bring about prohibition of the consumption except for medicinal purposes of intoxicating drinks and of drugs which are injurious to health."
The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985, was enacted, inter alia, to curb drug abuse. Within the purview of the Act, "Narcotic Drug" means "coca leaf, cannabis (hemp), opium, poppy straw and includes all manufactured goods", whereas "Psychotropic substance" means "any substance, natural or synthetic, or any natural material or any salt or preparation of such substance or material included in the list of psychotropic substances specified in the Schedule". Section 71 of the Act (Power of Government to establish centres for identification, treatment, etc of addicts and for supply of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances) contains provisions for setting up of rehabilitation and treatment centres for addicts.
India is a signatory to three United Nations Conventions, namely: (i) Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961; (ii) Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971; and (iii) Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988.
Thus, India also has an international obligation to, inter alia, curb drug abuse. The United Nations General Assembly, in its 20th Special Session in 1998, has accepted demand reduction as an indispensable pillar of drug control strategies. The demand reduction strategy consists of education, treatment, rehabilitation and social integration of drug addicts for prevention of drug abuse.
For the purpose of drug demand reduction, the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment has been implementing the Scheme of Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drug) Abuse since 1985-86. The Scheme was revised twice in 1994 and 1999, and at present provides financial support to NGOs and employers mainly for the following items:
  1. Awareness and Preventive Education
  2. Drug Awareness and Counseling Centers (CC)
  3. Treatment- Cum- Rehabilitation Centers (TC)
  4. Workplace Prevention Programme (WPP)
  5. De-addiction Camps (ACDC)
  6. NGO forum for Drug Abuse Prevention
  7. Innovative Interventions to strengthen community based rehabilitation
  8. Technical Exchange and Manpower development programme
  9. Surveys, Studies, Evaluation and Research on the subjects covered under the scheme.

An Integrated Programme for Older Persons


There has been a steady rise in the population of older persons in India. The number of elder persons has increased from 19.8 million in 1951 to 76 million in 2001 and the projections indicate that the number of 60+ in India will increase to 100 million in 2013 and to 198 million in 2030. The life expectancy, which was around 29 years in 1947, has increased manifold and now stands close to 63 years.
The traditional norms and values of the Indian society laid stress on showing respect and providing care for the aged. However, in recent times, society is witnessing a gradual but definite withering of the joint family system, as a result of which a large number of parents are being neglected by their families exposing to lack of emotional, physical and financial support. These older persons are facing a lot of problems in the absence of adequate social security. This clearly reveals that ageing has become a major social challenge and there is a need to provide for the economic and health needs of the elderly and to create a social milieu, which is conducive and sensitive to emotional needs of the elderly.


The main objective of the Scheme is to improve the quality of life of the Older Persons by providing basic amenities like shelter, food, medical care and entertainment opportunities and by encouraging productive and active ageing through providing support for capacity building of Government / Non-Governmental Organizations / Panchayati Raj Institutions / local bodies and the Community at large.


Assistance under the scheme will be given to the Panchayati Raj Institutions / local bodies and eligible Non-Governmental Voluntary Organizations for the following purposes:-
(i) Programmes catering to the basic needs of Older Persons particularly food, shelter and health care to the destitute elderly;
(ii) Programmes to build and strengthen intergenerational relationships particularly between children / youth and Older Persons;
(iii) Programmes for encouraging Active and Productive Ageing;
(iv) Programmes for proving Institutional as well as Non Institutional Care / Services to Older Persons;
(v) Research, Advocacy and Awareness building programmes in the field of Ageing; and
(vi) Any other programmes in the best interests of Older Persons.

Thursday 30 June 2011

UJJAWALA, A Project to protect women & children from ilicit human trafficking for Sexual exploitation

This is one of the very sensitive project of Union of Govt. of India (Ministry of Women & Child Development). The proper implementation will definatly give fruitful result in the society. The budget is comparetively managable but a minoe hike in rescue and reintegration will deliver more good result. The project protect women and children from being misleaded by traffickers for commecial sexual exploitation. Theere are Five parts of the project. The first part is Prevention. This part of the project designed for mass awareness among the society against illicit trafficking of women and children. It help the society to distinguish the trap set by the traffickers of different type to mislead for commercial sexual exploitation. This part also responsible to form various social defense mechanism such as Adolescent Girls Club and Community Vigilance Group in the Society to work against illicit humen traffciking. The Second Part is Rescue. This part is responsible for immediate rescue of victims falling in the trafficker's trap and brought them for rehabilitation/reintegration. The help of the Police department is must in rescuing of victims. They victim should be brought for immediate medical attention and psychological support to come out of truma. The third part is Rehabilitation of the rescued victim. Here the victims are given moral and physical support apart from food, cloths, Medicine and Vocational as well as general education to lead a normal life. They are also been given seed money to start a livelihood of their own. Micro finance can also be arranged for this trainned victims to start S.C.I. or S.S.I. The forth prat is Re-integration of victims with the Society/Family. Here the victims are shifted to a separtae home where they start a independent life with their own earnings. The Organisation resposible will keep an eye on their day to day activities and will assist them when required. A few victims are re-integrated with their family members at their own free will but on terms and conditions laid down by the organisation concerned after ensuring the safty and security of the victims in their family. The last part is Repatriation for cross border victims. This part is responsible for the victims of different countries who has been trafficked for Sexual exploitation to India. The rescued victims are sent back to their country of origin with the help of their Consulate General or Embassy located in India. During this period they are kept in a camp where food, medicine and other support are being provided to the victims.


A Union of Govt. of India's project to support woman in difficult circumtances for rehabilitation. This project is very important in every dstrict of India to support woman in bad phase of life. But the draw back of this project is the budget. The budgetseems to be so low that if an organisation tries their level best they can not maintain a home with 50 nos. of Beneficiaries. There are many items which is not taken care of in the budget. The toiletaries, cloths and lack of seed money for rehabilitaion main draw back apart from the other important item like Food, Medicine etc. If this could be shorted out soon, it will definately help in proper implementation of the project and fruitful service delivery.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Brief Introduction about the Organisation

The Association Shall be known as   “North Eastern Buddhist Cultural Association”  and in short  N.E.B.C.A. Here the term North Eastern has been used to mean the entire North Eastern Region of India including Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Sikkim. It is worth mentioning here that the covering area of North Bengal leading to the State of Sikkim is also treated as the territorial jurisdiction of the Association. The main aim of the Association is to preserve, improve and initiate all round development of Buddhism and Buddhist cultural heritage and spread its rich culture to the entire jurisdiction of the association. In addition to its main objectives, there are few more tasks will be covered by NEBCA. These tasks will be Child Development, Youth Development, Women Development, Education Development, Health Development, Conduction of Meditation Camp for Eternal Peace and Harmony, Prayer Meeting for Global Peace, Volunteering man support during any natural calamities, Home for the orphans and poor’s, Home for the Old Age, Home for the Social deceased, Rehabilitation Centre for the Drug addict and Alcoholics, Indian Cultural Development, Inter-religion integration camps, Inter-cast integration camp, Sports and Activity Development, Science and Technological Development by conducting Vocational Training camps and Generation of Employments for the poor and  Social deceased. The NEBCA will also take active part to foster unity among the various Ethnic groups living in the area mentioned above and to spread Gospels of Lord Buddha and the message of love, kindness, tolerances and purity of body and mind and also endeavoring to attain the cherished goal of fostering unity among mankind and lead them toward world peace and fraternity.